S T E L L Y ' S P U Z Z L E P O T P O U R R I INTRODUCTION Stelly's Puzzle Potpourri is a collection of classic sliding tile puzzles. The first of these puzzles, the 14-15 puzzle, was introduced by Sam Loyd over a hundred years ago. It was said to have nearly driven folks batty trying to solve it. This was due to the fact that the puzzle as originally presented was impossible to solve. You should not have quite this much difficulty trying to solve these puzzles. The specific goal for each puzzle is given in the 'Help' menu. After clicking on 'Help', click on the name of the puzzle you are currently trying to solve. There are a number of ways to move the tiles around on the screen. The preferred method is simply to 'click' on the tile you want to move. If the tile can move in more than one direction, you should click along the edge of the tile in the direction you want it to move. Detailed directions on how to move the tiles are available from the 'Help' menu while the program is running. INSTALLATION You must have Microsoft Windows 3.0 in order to run the Puzzle Potpourri. To install this program simply copy all the files to a directory of your choice. Running "PUZZLE.EXE" will then get everything kicked off. SHAREWARE This program is shareware and as such is not free. The idea is to try out the program, and if you like it -- register it. If you find this program useful (or possibly entertaining), then do the right thing and register. The registration fee for the Puzzle Potpourri is $15. Registered users will be entitled to free technical support and notices of future upgrades. Even if you decide not to send any dough, I would appreciate any comments, ideas for improvements, and notification of any bugs or problems running the program. You are entitled to make and distribute (for non-commercial purposes only) as many copies of this package as you wish. The only restrictions are that you must include all the files and they must be unaltered. The files in this package include the following: puzzle.exe vbrun100.dll register.txt readme.txt OTHER STUFF If anyone is interested, it is possible (for a fee of course) to create custom versions of these puzzles. If you have a need for such a thing, send me your proposal. If the image is on disk in .BMP, .PCX, or .TIF format, the process is fairly straight forward (hence less costly to you). HOW TO FIND ME James W. Stelly 319 Kellway Dr. Houston, Tx 77015 Phone number will be given to registered users only.